Due to redevelopment, the Herald Examiner is currently UNAVAILABLE as a filming location.
For assistance with set and locations need please contact Hollywood Locations:
go to www.hollywoodlocations.com
Police Station Sets
The Los Angeles Herald Examiner offers two different styles of Police Stations for filming.
The main Police Station or “Bullpen” also easily doubles as a DMV, thanks to it’s tan color. It is most famous for being the police station in the movie “The Usual Suspects”. Most recently, it can be seen in the movie “Super 8”.
The second Police Station or “City Station”, which can also doubles as a Hospital, is one of our newer looks. It was designed with many wild set pieces allowing shows to easily adapt it to their needs.
As many productions that require a Police Station set require a Jail scene, don’t forget to view our Jail set.
Police Station (Bullpen)
Police Station (City Station)
Police Station Holding Area
Police Station Interrogation / Suspect Lineup Room
Due to redevelopment the Herald Examiner is longer a filming location.
For assistance with set and locations need please contact Hollywood Locations: